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Sunny Trips Quilt

Sunny Trips Quilt

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I am so happy to be back 'cooking up' another Moda Bake Shop recipe!  This one is easier than it looks, and sews up pretty quick!

This quilt finishes at 90" x 90".




3 print Jelly Rolls (I used ''Bright Sun'' by Sherri and Chelsea)

1 solid Jelly Roll (or 2 1/2 yards - I used Bella Solids ''Horizon Blue'')

5 1/2 yards backing


First, unroll your jelly rolls.  You will need 36 strips from each jelly roll (so you can set 4 aside from each roll, you will not need them for this project).  Now, separate the jelly roll strips into 4 categories, going from light to dark/bright if possible.  With the jelly rolls I used, I had a light/white, a pale pink/aqua, a bright pink, and a turquoise pile.  Make sure you have equal amounts in each pile (9 per pile for each jelly roll) - you can fudge a little here as it only matters that the majority is in the correct order.  I did end up with some lighter colors that fell between turquoise and aqua that I put in the turquoise pile and some lighter pinks that I put in the bright pink pile.


Sew these into strip sets of 4.  You will make a total of 27 strip sets from the 3 jelly rolls.

If you have yardage of your solid instead of another jelly roll, then you will need to cut it into 36 @ 2.5''xWOF strips.  You can set aside 9 that you will use for the binding.

Sew a solid strip onto each of the dark side of the 27 strip sets:


Now, you can press the strip sets.  I recommend pressing open.  If you press to the side, you will end up having to flip some seams as you pin blocks together.  This is how I did it, as I don't mind a flipped seam here and there.

Finally, sew your strip sets (that are now 5 strips wide) into a tube:


I recommend working with one strip set at a time to make your blocks so they don't get mixed up.

From each strip set, you will subcut 3 sections of each of these measurements:







This will leave you with an approx 6'' piece at the end that you can use to piece the backing.


You can go to my website to see how I used these pieces in my quilt backing.

Now, you will take apart each of the tube sections at a different seam to create your block.


Sew strips together matching seams to create your curvy/diagonal Sunny Trips block:


Half of your blocks will be stitched together in the opposite direction:



You should end up with 41 blocks one direction and 40 blocks the other direction.

Arrange your blocks into a 9x9 layout being careful to alternate blocks and arrange the blocks in the proper orientation:


Your quilt top should measure 90.5''x90.5''.  Quilt as desired and bind with the remaining 9 solid strips.20150930_142351

Play with different strip set layout options - it is amazing how different this can turn out depending on your color and strip set layout choices!  Here is a mockup using ''Nomad'' with a more random strip set layout and a dark red solid:

bargello scrappy trips 2

Or, here is Nomad again - with only prints:

bargello scrappy trips

Or, here is Bright Sun with a Porcelain bella solid instead of the Horizon Blue:


The possibilities are endless!



90''x90'' quilt


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Cascade Quilts

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