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Web Tips: JPG Images

Web Tips: JPG Images

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.JPG Images {pronounced JAY PEG} are used widely throughout websites, quilt design programs, and more. We know that creating a JPG image of fabric, product, etc. can take up lots of your time to cut, scan, and size the image needed for your project or website. We do this to every single piece of Moda Fabric for our Marketing and web and want to share our efforts in creating these images with you to help in your project design or simply to share your love for fabric on your blog/website.

We provide a Download JPG link to every Moda Collection published on our website. Simply click on the image for JPG images.

Save the .zip file to your computer.

Once saved, right click on the zip folder and select Extract All... 

This will extract all the images from the .zip folder into a new folder on your computer in the specified location you select.

You can now use these .JPG images on your blog/website or quilt design program such as Electric Quilt. We not only provide you with a scan of every fabric image in the collection, but we also provide images of all our precut images, collection image, quilt, and any finished product for that collection.

So stop creating all those images yourself and save some time by downloading the .JPG images that we provide on our website.

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